Monday, September 22, 2008

Sard Adjustable Fuel Regulator

Since the KFZE fuel pump being suspect having problem due to low fuel pressue, i decide to change the fuel pump to Nissan SR20 turbo fuel pump. This fuel pump was able to support the stock SR20 that is rated around 240 horse power. So i belive it will be enough for my BPT as well with a little up boost.

To overcome the high pressure from the fuel pump, i getting myself a Sard Fuel Regulator to regulate the fuel pressure. This item also in my waiting list for quit some time ago. Finally it make it way to my car engine bay now. The gauge was an oil filled type, this able to stable the meter reading when the engine is turn on.
Due to the compact engine bay at Mazda Lantis 323F, fitting this FPR is quite difficult. I need to custom made a bracket to hold the FPR.

How my engine bay look like after the Sard FPR installation is done :)